Tides and Weather

Condition information to be added to additional stations, NOAA forecasts, and weather buoy info.

Naknek, Naknek River

Date: 2024-12-08

Weather in Naknek

  • Date: 07:35:00
  • Temperature: 39.1°C
  • Condition: Overcast
  • Humidity: 86.6%
  • Wind Speed: 19.4 km/h
10-Day Forecast
Date Min Temp (°C) Max Temp (°C) Condition Precipitation (%)
2024-12-09 35.9 43.1 Rain, Overcast 51.6
2024-12-10 35.1 40.5 Rain, Overcast 83.9
2024-12-11 32.3 39.8 Snow, Rain, Overcast 71.0
2024-12-12 30.5 33.0 Overcast 32.3
2024-12-13 25.0 30.8 Partially cloudy 12.9
2024-12-14 5.5 24.5 Partially cloudy 6.5
2024-12-15 3.5 23.1 Overcast 6.5
2024-12-16 24.3 34.4 Overcast 6.5
2024-12-17 26.9 35.3 Overcast 12.9
2024-12-18 27.6 31.5 Partially cloudy 12.9
2024-12-19 25.7 30.1 Overcast 25.8
2024-12-20 25.4 27.8 Overcast 16.1
2024-12-21 18.7 25.4 Partially cloudy 16.1
2024-12-22 17.5 20.2 Overcast 19.4
2024-12-23 19.1 24.9 Partially cloudy 19.4

Hourly Forecast for Today
Time Temperature (°C) Condition Wind Speed (km/h) Precipitation (%)
00:00:00 41.0 Partially cloudy 32.0 0.0
01:00:00 41.0 Clear 17.5 0.0
02:00:00 43.1 Overcast 20.7 0.0
03:00:00 40.9 Overcast 20.8 0.0
04:00:00 42.2 Overcast 21.9 0.0
05:00:00 40.9 Overcast 19.7 0.0
06:00:00 40.9 Overcast 16.3 0.0
07:00:00 39.9 Overcast 18.3 0.0
08:00:00 35.9 Overcast 15.0 0.0
09:00:00 36.2 Overcast 17.2 0.0
10:00:00 39.6 Rain, Overcast 26.6 51.6
11:00:00 39.6 Rain, Overcast 27.5 51.6
12:00:00 39.5 Rain, Overcast 27.1 51.6
13:00:00 40.0 Rain, Overcast 28.4 51.6
14:00:00 40.4